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Real Progress on Housing For All


Everyone deserves a safe place to call home — and no one should have to choose between buying food and paying for housing. Yet Oregonians who are renters are six times more likely to experience food insecurity than homeowners. And the lack of safe, affordable housing remains one of the leading drivers of hunger and poverty throughout the region.

We are grateful for the leadership of the Stable Homes for Oregon Families Coalition, Oregon Housing Alliance, Oregon Law Center, Neighborhood Partnerships, the Community Alliance of Tenants and many other allies for leading the advocacy for more equitable housing policies in Oregon.

Among our shared wins this session is real progress toward safe, affordable housing for all:

✅Reasonable Rent Limits (SB 611)

Senate Bill 611 reduces homelessness due to high rents and prevents extreme rent increases. Under the new protections, tenants cannot be subjected to a rent increase of 7% plus inflation or 10% altogether — whichever is lower.

✅Eviction Reform (HB 2001)

House Bill 2001 prevents homelessness by stopping fast-track evictions, promoting stability in payments, and preventing landlords from refusing payments when people have the money.

✅Emergency Rent Assistance & Homelessness Prevention Services (SB 5511)

Senate Bill 5511 invests in rent assistance, eviction prevention and housing services navigation. The bill also supports tenant education and outreach to help prevent homelessness.

There is still work ahead to build on these important victories and round out our affordable housing agenda:

❌Rental Market Data (HB 3169)

Though it did not pass, House Bill 3169 would have established a statewide registry of rental units so local communities better understand their housing needs and availability.

❌Special Purpose Credit Program (HB 3492)

Though it did not pass, House Bill 3492 would have reduced barriers to homeownership by supporting low-income, first-time buyers who use an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) rather than a Social Security Number.

❌Mortgage Interest Deduction Reform (SB 976)

Though it did not pass, Senate Bill 976 would have capped mortgage interest deductions that disproportionately benefit the top 1% of wealthy Oregonians. Funds could then be prioritized to reduce barriers to homeownership for low-income families.

The Oregon Food Bank Network provides vital support for more than a million people facing food insecurity each year. Yet we know we can’t end hunger for good through food alone — we have to address the policies and systems that drive poverty in our communities. Sign up to stay informed on state and federal policies that will help eliminate hunger at its roots!


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